Monday 20 October 2014

OUGD401- Study Task 2- Modernism & Post-modernism


"Abstract art uses form, color and line to create a composition which exists outside of visual reality. From the Renaissance up to the middle of the 19th century, Western art had been based on the logic of perspective and was generally an attempt to reproduce an illusion of visible reality."

Author: Northwest Collage Graphic Design
Title: Graphic Design History
Date: October 19th 2014

Picasso: Woman playing the Mandolin (1909)-
Abstract Art
nonobjective art
nonrepresentational art
(related terms).

*Does not attempt to represent external, recognizable reality.

*Tries to achieve its effect using shapes, forms, colors and textures.

Movement called Dada. (early 20th century international movement in art-literature-music-film).

*Dada was launched in Zurich in 1916 by Tristan Tzara and others.

Poster for DADA "soirée"

- Italian poet- Marinetti --> "The Founding and Manifesto of Futurism" 1909

*Inspired artists such as Carlo Carra,
Umberto Boccioni
(influenced the art movement throughout Europe).

Funeral of the Anarchist Galli, Carlo Carra

Constructivism - soviet youth movement.
Russian Revolution 1917 - many Russian artist.
Combination between political propaganda and commercial advertising.
*Communist Revolution.

Alexander Rodchenko (1889-1956)

Equality under Communism ---> designed posters and packaging with the intention to attract buyers.
-Advertising became a means for artist, poets and others.

Abstract Painters/Graphic designers - Alexander Rodchenko + Liubov Popova.

Rodchenko worked in variety of media - Film making (Posters within photo collage).

El Lissitzky - Russian constructivist and designer - devoted a big change to propaganda work.

El Lissitzky - Drive The Red Wedge into The White  Troops!

*Developed rules within typography and design that latter led on to grid systems.

De Stijl- Developed in Holland
*Flourished during the 1920s in Europe.

Piet Mondrian

*Anti-emotion-concerned only with formal esthetic problems.

Widely known painters of the period - Piet Mondran + Theo Van Doesburg.

straight black lines set at right angles to one another - asymmetrical balancing primary colors.

The end of Modernism-
Revolt against the conservative values of realism.
Modernists believed that each new generation must - Build on past styles in new way or break with the past in order to make the next major contribution.
*Rejecting tradition
*Embracing new technology


*term used since 1980s
*Jeffery Keedy Emigre Type Specimen Series
Booklet No4: Keedy Sans, Typography 
Illustration, Emagre, USA, 2002


Album Cover for the Sex Pistol's 1977 "God save the queen". 
*Designed by the British artist Jaime Reid
*Symbolize the Punk movement
*1970's England

*I-D, British youth culture magazine

*Aggressive collages
*Heightened use of color
*Experimental typography
*Dramatic design aesthetic
*Image manipulation

"Rick Poynor in his book “No more rules” (2003) is saying that if modernism  sought to create a better world, postmodernism – to the horror of many observers – appears to accept the world as it is. "
*David Carson, American graphic designer - “I never learned all the things you’re not supposed to do, I just do what makes the most sense…There is no grid, no format. I think it ends up in a more interesting place than if I just applied formal design rules.’ D.Carson

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