Tuesday 28 October 2014

Gender representation-"To what extent does advertising construct our ideas of gender?" study task 2

28th October 2014

Thinking on doing Gender representation:
came up with a few Questions as a starting/guiding point:

what is the role of women in Society?

What is real beauty?

what do women have to do today to gain attention?

has advertisement changed the way women see themselves today?

Why is it right nowadays to see what we see in adverts? differences between the 21st century adverts and other centuries -(Role of Gender in History) Marilyn Monroe

Sexual superheroes vs Masculinity

My own illustration/adverts displayed in public areas/ abstract idea

Fairly and equally

how are women represented in advertisement?

Beautiful/ no honesty/ stereotypical/sexual/Erotic/ provocative 

-why can't someone with tattoos or piercings be used on adverts?
-why can't women show how they are equal or stronger than men?
-Specific brand i would use for my illustrations/adverts
-what is the idea of beauty in adverts?
-Tall and skinny women tall/handsome/buff men
-Does skin color have an effect on advertisement? (First disney black princes "The Princess and the Frog)
-What happens with those people that do not look like people on adverts? (young girls with cancer watching disney movies)
-Side effects within advertisement
-Women and men sexual attraction (why don't we say gay couples as much on adverts?)

*Biologically determine - Male/Female
(Refers to a socially constructed set of behavior patterns) --> Femininity/Masculinity


-Children's perceptions

-Men and Masculinity

-Women as Sexual objects

-Sex and Violence

-Beauty before Brain

-Stereo types

-1960's, feminist have argued that "it matters who makes it". -> continues to be men
-Studies have found that although the number of women working in the media has been increasing globally, the top positions Produces, Executives, Chief Editors and Publishers, are still very male dominated.

-The media needs to portray both male and female in a honest fair accurate manner, the medic all over the world does the contrary.
(Ethical and professional)

-Women feature more in stories that portray them as victims/family status more often than it relates to men/women are less likely to feature in major headlines(Men seen as experts more that it regards females with the same qualities.
*To the media, women are dependent on their husband or men for various things or for attention.

-The media has also caused stereotyping on male figures in the society largely.
The media normally characterizes men as powerful and dominant and gives little or room at all for alternate masculinity visions.
*Media also tends to demean the ability of men to take up domestic roles, case, or oppose violence.

Language- Communication

Task 2:
Based on what you have documented in your mind map research write a short hypothesis for your essay.
Your hypothesis should aim to offer an answer to the essay question…

Gender Representation question: To what extent does advertising construct our idea of gender?

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