Monday 25 April 2016

501- Evaluation

Book bind - To book bind, I bought a hard cardboard to make my 2 sets of book hard covers.

80 p for the cardboard.

With the equipment and space offered by the university, the process of book binding was quick and easy. After a few book binding workshops, I am now capable of doing it on my own and producing satisfactory final outcomes.

When measuring the size of the book, this time i made sure I had digitally printed my book pages to then know more or less how big or small the hard cover should be and to help guide me in the production. I believe the sizes of my hardcovers are appropriate for the size and format of my design.

The textile used to cover the hardcover was also bought,… p.

This was later stuck with PVA glue and left to dry.

Digital print pages - Some of the pages when digitally printed turned out to be bigger than the other pages, given that I had produced a big number of different pages with the use of different well-known logos, I decided to not use all of them.

The images don’t look pixellated, the only issue would be the white typeface on the black background that seems a bit hard to fully see. I could have made the text bigger, maybe that way the text would have been more visible. The text is readable and I like the effect of shadiness it has given the design when printed.

I believe my final products links to the essay question chosen, Some of the logos used were explored during research and then again during the production. The page format I believe to be a different style to what I usually use or explore.  Following the feedback obtained in class, I was able of making a few small changes/ arrangements to my design before the final production.

My aim within this essay question and production was to explore branding, marketing, logo design and the process of a company to make a logo known worldwide. I believe to have met my goals, I will continue to explore and learn more about branding which is an area that interests me.

My final production is informative, small and hardly space taking, easy to carry and could be left on display anywhere and cause a positive impact. My target audience would be any graphic students that know English and that want to know more about logo design, branding decisions and the message/ concept behind effective international logos.

I decided to produce a logo book when working on my essay because throughout my research, the majority of students who I asked did not know what some of the international logos meant.

As a Graphic designer, this essay has helped me learn more and be able to link Cop with other subjects such as PPP and Studio brief 504. The information obtained will help me and guide me in the following years. Localisation and branding strategies were some of the new aspects explored, which I found useful, creative and essential steps to follow.

When producing my final outcomes, The main initial idea had to be changed. The amount of logos I wanted to use and the fold did not work well together.The book had to be broken down in to two books and then I decided to present two different folds on each book design. These folds were explored previously to the brief, this was a way of improving my techniques and refreshing my memory. The final production communicates well, its simple, easy to read, and has a personal logo for my logo books ‘Effective International Logos’ the ‘E.I.L’.

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