Wednesday 16 March 2016

501 - level 6 COP

Level 6 Cop

40 credits

Research proposal
What you are doing now links to what you are doing next
Consider Elements – have you found interesting and want to continue exploring
Build on the knowledge you already know
1st – Research
2nd- Task
Graphic design/ Illustration / animation
AVOID- last minute panic

Process is more important than outcome!
When the outcome drives the process we will only ever go to where we’ve already been. If process drives outcome we may not know where we’re going, but we will know we want to …

Approaches to the generation and investigation of ideas
Stimulated Approach
Intuitive Approach
Intuitive approach
Systematic Approach

A strategy for research into a problem - 2
Analysis Research

A strategy for research into a problem - 1
General study

Knowing that – Theoretical knowledge
Knowing how – practical knowledge
Knowing where – contextual knowledge

Context of practice
Theory – knowing that
Practice – knowing how
Theory and practice (Synthesis happens through the process of research)

Purpose – Policy context – Initial research question – scope and scale – instructional practice context
Paradigm – what is there to study? (ontology) – Refined research questions – How do we find out what we are looking for? What data is required? (Methodology)
Design Frame – Experimental – Longitudinal survey
“Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying wit a purpose.”
Zora Neale Hurston.

Purpose of Research > Context of practice (Module) > Scope and Scale > Relevance and usefulness > context of practice (Individuals) > Research Proposal – Part 1
(What do I want to know? // What do I need to know?)

“Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought.”
Albert Szent – Gyorgyi

Proposal writing and research questions –
Paradigm position of Research
What is there to study?
How can we know about it?

Propositional knowledge
Objective > facts (truth)
Subjective > Opinions (beliefs)
Objective and subjective (knowledge)

“If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?”
Albert Einstein
Revised Research Question – Submit at the end of cop level 5
Internet, books, questioners, referencing, triangulations

Refers to how you will find out what you are looking for. (Approaches)
Research activities
What do I do?
Ø Data + interpretations – primary secondary quantitative qualitative, observations, drawings, making, recording, evaluation, reflection, justifications, claims, inferences, application, communication
Ø Literature review, case study, longitudinal survey, ethnography, experimental, action research, activity theory.
Ø Theme analysis, Frequency analysis, Discourse analysis, cross – sectional analysis, causal analysis, comparative analysis.


OUGD 601
Will be submitted alongside your module submission for
501 context of practice level 5

1.   What is good? To what extent does social responsibility impact on the role and functions of graphic design/ illustration/ animation? Moral/ Ethical
2.   To what extent do the individual politics of professional practitioner’s impact on the role and function of graphic design/ illustration/ animation?
3.   In an era of globalization, to what extent do contemporary graphic design/ illustration/ animation practices reflect core British values?
4.   To what extent do technological developments in production and distribution impact on graphic design// illustration/ animation?
5.   To what extent does aesthetic ‘style’ reflect the context, audience and/or function of contemporary graphic design/ illustration/ animation?

Choose one of the research question discussed in the lecture.
Produce a 10 slide pdf research proposal submitted via ISSUU on your cop blog.
You will receive feedback on your proposal prior to the summer break.
Your proposal should focus on the development of a body of theoretical, contextual and practical research around an individual appropriate theme or subject relating to your selected question.
You should include : research question + 250 word introductory statement identifying a specific area of individual interest within the research question.

You should include –
5 relevant related subjects
5 relevant quotes
5 relevant books
5 relevant websites
5 relevant images
5 relevant contextual references
(motion graphics, campaigns, packaging ….)
theory > analysis > practice > Reflection > Professionalism > Evaluation
Context of practice > studio practice > Personal and Professional Practice (look back at the past 2 years’ blog posts)

Research is contextual, conditional, individual
There is more than one form of knowledge
The knowledge that you are trying to develop will affect what and how you research.
Your opinions, beliefs and experiences will shape the focus of your proposal.

Purpose! – Research question – Creating something individual – research question will change!

Start with what you already know

What do you want to learn more about

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