Wednesday 29 April 2015

final poster

These are my final posters.
I was really happy with my final outcomes.
I believed the backgrounds chosen matched really well with my edited drawings.
The quotes were strong and people liked the messages. One of the comments I received was “I would hang these up in my room and read them every morning to feel a little better with myself”.
I felt my work linked well with my essay because I’ve spoken about size, about conformity and talk about what the real adverts should be like.


Creating my final outcome.
These posters were a trial; I changed the background and type for my final posters.
I thought the colours did not match with my drawings so I then decided to search online for backgrounds that I could latter on decrease the intensity.

Poster examples

Tuesday 28 April 2015

Poster design

These were my final outcome on Photoshop.
I decided to produce more than one example to have a variation in choice.
At first I was only going to produce 2 final outcomes; using the green and the pink pregnant women.
I then decided to make inspirational posters not only for women but also for men.